Prof. Dr. Gert Wörheide
- Prof. Dr. Gert Wörheide
- Curriculum Vitae
- Publikationen
- Forschungsvorhaben
Molekulare Geo- und Paläobiologie mariner Organismen
- Biomineralisation in marinen Invertebraten
- Molekulare Biodiversität mariner Invertebraten
- Vergleichende Genomik, Evolution und Phylogenie der Nicht-Bilateria
Selected Research Grants
Integration of geological and biological hsitories: Using advanced phylogenetic methods to estimate diversification patterns". G. Wörheide & B. Reichenbacher. 2017-2018.
Towards a new model species for early animals: genome sequencing of the marine sponge Tethya wilhelma (Porifera) [MODELSPONGE]. G. Wörheide & D. Erpenbeck. 2013-2014.
DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
Wo896/19-1: Sponge TaxonOMICS (within DFG Priority Program "Taxon-OMICS: new approaches for species discovery". 2017-2020.
Wo896/18-1: Molecular biomineralization of octocoral skeletons: calcite versus aragonite (MINORCA). 2017-2020.
Wo896/15-1: Molecular paleobiology of lithistid sponges – reconstructing patterns and timing of diversification. 2014-2017.
Wo896/9-1: Pylogeny of selected key taxa of Antarctic deep-sea Porifera (Sponges) and the history of their radiation. G. Wörheide (München), D. Janussen (Frankfurt). 2009-2012.
Wo896/7-1: Deep DownUnder - Exploration of relict faunas on the deep slopes of the Queensland Plateau (Coral Sea, Australia). G. Wörheide (München), C. Lüter (Berlin), J. Reitner (Göttingen). 2008-2010.
Wo896/6-1,2: A combined phylogenomic and palaeontological approach to resolve deep phylogenetic incongruences among Phylum Porifera. G. Wörheide (München), B. Morgenstern, J. Reitner (Göttingen). Within DFG Priority Programme SPP 1174 "Deep Metazoan Phylogeny - Stammesgeschichte der Großgruppen der Tiere". 2005-2012.
Wo896/5-1,3: Phylogenetic analysis of hexactinellid sponges (Porifera: Hexactinellida) based on molecular and comparative morphological data. G. Wörheide, J. Reitner (Göttingen). In cooperation with D. Janussen (Frankfurt). 2005-2008.
Wo896/4-1,2,3: Characterization of matrix proteins of the coralline demosponge Astrosclera willeyana - A contribution to understanding the evolution of biomineralization. G. Wörheide & J. Reitner (Göttingen). 2005-2008.
Wo896/3-1,3: The phylogeny of calcareous sponges (Porifera: Calcarea). G. Wörheide, V. Thiel, J. Reitner (Göttingen). 2005-2008.
Marie-Curie Actions, European Union
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Innovative Training Networks (ITN) H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017 "Comparative Genomics of Non-Model Invertebrates (IGNITE), Contract Number 764840 (Coordinator: G. Wörheide)
European Union, 6th Framework Programme: Human Resources and Mobility (HRM) Activity. Marie Curie Actions. Host Fellowships for Early Stage Research Training (EST): Proposal FP6-020561: "HOTSPOTS" (Understanding and Conserving Earth's Biodiversity Hotspots). Coordinator: Dr. Vincent Savolainen, Kew Botanical Gardens. One EuroPhD fellowship to be supervised by G. Wörheide. 2006-2010.
Coordination of EU - Marie Curie Outgoing International Fellowship (OIF) of Dr. Dirk Erpenbeck (Contract No. MCOIF-2004-2882): The systematics of Sponges without Mineral Skeleton and its Phylogeographic implications. 2005-2008.
Australian Research Council (ARC)
Linkage Project LP0775179: Deep Downunder: designing a deep-sea exploration and discovery capability for Australia. Project Coordinator J. Marshall, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. 2008-2011.
International Linkage Project LX0775962: Evolution of the biofabrication of mineralized structures in animals. B. Degnan, D.J. Jackson, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; G. Wörheide, Universität Göttingen. 2007.
Discovery Project DP0558901: The making of a sea shell: function and evolution of genes encoding calcareous architectures of phenomenal strength, purity and beauty. B. Degnan, F. Simpson, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; G. Wörheide, Universität Göttingen; V. Hinman, California Institute of Technology, USA. 2005-2008.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
PorToL - The Porifera Tree of Life Project (Assembling the Tree of Life Program). 2008-2012. Co-PI.
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
DNA Barcoding of Marine Biodiversity (MarBOL). 2008-2010. Co-PI.