Lehrstuhl für Paläontologie & Geobiologie





Publikationen in Fachzeitschriften

2024, online first, im Druck zur Publikation akzeptiert

  • Sanchez-Posada C, Racicot RA, Ruf I,Krings M, Rössner GE (05 Nov 2024) Romaleodelphis pollerspoecki, gen. et sp. nov., an archaic dolphin from the Central Paratethys (Early Miocene, Austria). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
  • Rössner GE, Hampe O (accepted) Terrestrial artiodactyl remains from the whale horizon at Groß Pampau (ancient North Sea basin, North Germany; Serravallian-Tortonian boundary, middle-late Miocene). Fossil Imprint.
  • Musalizi S, Rössner GE (2024) Limb Osteology of Miocene Tragulids from Napak (Uganda) and inference on palaeoecology in comparison to further extinct and extant relatives. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 31:39.
  • Hullot M, Martin C, Blondel C, Becker D, Rössner GE (2024) Paleobiology and paleoecology of the woolly rhinoceros (Coeolodonta antiquitatis) in Northern and Central Europe: new insights from multi-proxy data. Quaternary International.
  • Hullot M, Martin C, Blondel C, Becker D, Rössner GE (2024) Evolutionary paleoecology of European rhinocerotids across the Oligocene-Miocene transition. Royal Society Open Science 11: 240987.
  • Hullot M, Martin C, Blondel C, Rössner GE (2024) Life in a Central European warm-temperate to subtropical open forest: paleoecology of the rhinocerotids from Ulm-Westtangente (Aquitanian, early Miocene, Germany). The Science of Nature 111:10.


  • Peters C, Wang Y, Vakil V, Dortch J, Hocknull S, Lawrence R, Manne T, Monks M, Rössner GE, Ryan H, Siversson M, Ziegler T, Louys J, Price GJ, Boivin N, Collins MJ (2023) Bone collagen from subtropical Australia is preserved for more than 50,000. Nature Comm Earth & Environment 4:438.
  • Musalizi S, Schnyder J, Segalen L, Rössner GE (2023) Early and Middle Miocene Tragulidae of the Napak Region (Uganda) including the Oldest African tragulids: Taxonomic Revision, Stratigraphical Background, and Biochronological Framework. Hist Biol 35(12): 2456-2503.


  • Mennecart B, Dziomber L, Aiglstorfer M, Bibi F, DeMiguel D, Fujita M, Kubo MO, Laurens F, Meng J, Métais M, Müller B, Ríos M, Rössner GE, Sánchez IM, Schulz G, Wang S, Costeur L. 2022. Ruminant inner ear shape records 35 million years of neutral evolution. Nature Communications 13:7222.
  • Prothero DR, Domning D, Fordyce RE, Foss S, Janis C, Lucas S, Marriott KL, Metais G, Naish D, Padian K, Rössner G, Solounias N, Spaulding M, Stucky RM, Theodor J, Uhen M. 2022. On the Unnecessary and Misleading Taxon “Cetartiodactyla”. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 29: 93-97.


  • Schoenemann B, Clarkson ENK, Bartels C, Südkamp W, Rössner GE, Ryck U. 2021. A 390 million-year-old hyper-compound eye - the visual system of phacopid trilobites. Scientic Reports 1A: 19505.
  • Mennecart B, Métais G, Costeur L, Ginsburg L, Rössner GE. 2021. Reassessment of the Miocene genus Amphimoschus Bourgeois, 1873 (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Ruminantia, Pecora). PloS ONE 16 (1): e0244661.
  • Mennecart B, Métais G, Tissier J, Rössner GE, Costeur L. 2021. 3D models related to the publication: Reassessment of the Miocene genus Amphimoschus Bourgeois, 1873 (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Ruminantia, Pecora). Morpho Museum Journal 6: e131.
  • Rössner GE, Costeur l, Scheyer MT. 2021. Antiquity and fundamental processes of the antler cycle in Cervidae (Mammalia). The Science of Nature 108: 3.
  • Schilling A-M, Rössner GE. 2021. New skull material of Pleistocene dwarf deer from Crete (Greece). Comptes Rendus Palevol 20 (9): 141-164.
  • Guzmán-Sandoval JA, Rössner GE. 2021. Miocene chevrotains (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Tragulidae) from Pakistan. Historical Biology 33 (6): 743-776.



  • Guzmán Sandoval J.A., Rössner G.E. (2019): Miocene chevrotains (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Tragulidae) from Pakistan. Historical Biology.
  • Blanco A., Moncunill-Solé B., Rössner G.E. (2019): Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) crocodyliforms from northeastern Iberia: A first attempt to explain the crocodyliform diversity based on tooth qualitative traits. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 189(2): 584-617.
  • Schilling A-M, Calderón-Capote MC, Rössner GE. (2019): Variability, morphometrics, and co-variation of the os lacrimale in Cervidae. Journal of Morphology 280 (7): 1071-1090.
  • Moncunill-Solé B., Isidro A., Blanco A., Angelone C., Rössner G.E., Jordana X. (2019): The most ancient evidence of a diseased lagomorph: Infectious palaeopathology in a tibiofibular bone (Middle Miocene, Germany).  Comptes Rendus Palevol 18: 1011-1023.


  • Becerra M.G., Pol D., Rössner G.E., Rauhut O.W.M. (2018): Heterodonty and double occlusion in Manidens condorensis: a unique adaptation in an Early Jurassic ornithischian improving masticatory efficiency. The Science of Nature 105 (7-8): 41.
  • Guzmán J.A., Rössner G.E. (2018): A recommendation for osteological collections to handle taxonomic classification of mouse-deer based on variation in skull morphology of Tragulus and Moschiola (Tragulidae, Ruminantia, Artiodactyla, Mammalia). Mammalian Biology 90: 78-88.
  • Mennecart B., Perthuis A. de, Rössner G.E., Guzmán J.A., Perthuis Au. de, Costeur L. (2018): The first French tragulid skull (Mammalia, Ruminantia, Tragulidae) and associated tragulid remains from the Middle Miocene of Contres (Loir-et-Cher, France). Comptes Rendus Palevol 17: 189-200. 
  • Böhmer C. & Rössner G.E. (2018): Dental paleopathology in fossil rhinoceroses: etiology and implications. Journal of Zoology 304: 3-12.


  • Schilling A.-M., Rössner G.E. (2017): The (sleeping) Beauty in the Beast – a review on the water deer, Hydropotes inermis. Hystrix- The Italian Journal of Mammalogy 28 (2): 121-133.
  • Mennecart B., Schulz G., Bibi F., Rössner G.E., Métais G., DeMiguel D., Shiqi Wang, Neenan J.N., Müller B., Costeur L. (2017): Bony labyrinth morphology clarifies the origin and evolution of deer. Scientific Reports 7: 13176.
  • Rössner G.E. (2017): Palaeontological and geological age constraints for the arrival and dispersal of Miocene tragulids (Tragulidae, Artiodactyla) in Europe. Zitteliana 89: 351-359.
  • Reich M., Sprinkle J., Lefebvre B., Rössner G.E., Zamora S. (2017): The first Ordovician cyclocystoid (Echinodermata) from Gondwana. Journal of Palaeontology 91 (4): 735-754.
  • Hír J., Venczel M., Codrea V., Rössner G.E., Angelone C., Hoek Ostende L. van der, Rosina V.V., Prieto J. (2017): Badenian and Sarmatian s.str. from the Carpathian area: Taxonomical notes concerning the Hungarian and Romanian small vertebrates and report on the ruminants from the primate bearing Felsőtárkány basin. Comptes Rendus Palevol 16 (2017) 312-332.


  • Heckeberg N.S., Erpenbeck D., Wörheide G. & Rössner G.E. (2016): Systematic relationships of five newly sequenced cervid species. PeerJ 4:e2307.
  • Mennecart B., Rössner G.E., Métais G., DeMiguel D., Schulz G., Müller B. & Costeur L. (2016): The petrosal bone and bony labyrinth of Early to Middle Miocene European deer (Mammalia, Cervidae) reveal their phylogeny." Journal of Morphology 277(10): 1329-1338.
  • Böhmer C., Heissig K. & Rössner G.E. (2016): Dental eruption series and replacement pattern in Miocene Prosantorhinus (Rhinocerotidae) as revealed by macroscopy and X-ray: implications for ontogeny and mortality profile. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 23: 265-279.


  • Kolb C., Scheyer T.M., Azorit C., Lister A.M., de Vos J., Schlingemann M.A.J., Rössner G.E., Monaghan N.T. & Sánchez-Villagra M.R. (2015): Growth in fossil and recent deer and implications for body size and life history evolution. BMC Evolutionary Biology (2015) 15:19.


  • Clauss M. & Rössner G.E. (2014): Old world ruminant morphophysiology, life history, and fossil record: exploring key innovations of a diversification sequence. Annales Zoologici Fennici 51: 80-94. 
  • Aiglstorfer M., Rössner G.E. & Böhme M. (2014): Dorcatherium naui and pecoran ruminants from the late Middle Miocene Gratkorn locality (Austria). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 94 (1): 94-123. 


  • Bärmann E. V., Azanza B., Wronski T., Lerp H., Börner S., Erpenbeck D., Rössner G. E. & Wörheide G.2013: A morphometric and genetic framework for the genus Gazella de Blainville, 1816 (Ruminantia: Bovidae) with special focus on Arabian and Levantine Mountain gazelles. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 169 (3): 673-696.
  • Rössner G.E. & Heissig K. (2013): New records of Dorcatherium guntianum (Tragulidae), stratigraphical framework, and diphyletic origin of Miocene European tragulids. Swiss Journal of Geosciences 106 (2): 335-347. 
  • Bärmann E.V., Rössner G.E., Wörheide G. (2013): A revised phylogeny of Antilopini (Bovidae, Artiodactyla) using combined mitochondrial and nuclear genes. Molecular Phylogeny & Evolution 67: 484-493. 
  • Azanza B., Rössner G.E. & Ortiz-Jaureguizar E. (2013): The early Turolian (Late Miocene) Cervidae (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from the fossil site of Dorn-Dürkheim 1 (Germany) and implications on the origin of crown cervids. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 93: 217-258.
  • Bärmann E.V., Börner S., Erpenbeck D., Rössner G.E., Hebel C. & Wörheide G. (2013): The curious case of Gazella arabica. Mammalian Biology 78: 220-225.
  • Zachos F.E., Apollonio M., Bärmann E.V., Festa-Bianchet M., Göhlich U.B., Habel J.C., Haring E., Kruckenhauser L., Lovari S., McDevitt A.D., Pertoldi C., Rössner G.E., Sánchez-Villagra M.R., Scandura M. & Suchentrunk F. (2013): Species inflation and taxonomic artefacts — A critical comment on recent trends in mammalian classification. Mammalian Biology 78: 1-6.


  • Bärmann E.V. & Rössner G.E. (2011): Dental nomenclature in Ruminantia: towards a standard terminological framework. Mammalian Biology 76: 762-768.


  • Rössner G.E. (2010): Systematics and palaeoecology of the Ruminantia (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) community from Sandelzhausen (Early/Middle Miocene) in the German Molasse Basin. In: Rössner G.E. & Göhlich, U.B. (eds.), Fossil lagerstätte Sandelzhausen - Contributions to the fauna II. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 84/1: 123–162.


  • Hillenbrand V., Göhlich U.B. & Rössner G.E. (2009): The early Vallesian vertebrates from Atzelsdorf (Late Miocene, Austria). Ruminantia. Annalen des naturhistorischen Museums Wien 111A: 519-556.
  • Moser M., Rössner G.E., Göhlich U.B., Böhme M. & Fahlbusch V. (2009): The fossil lagerstätte Sandelzhausen (Miocene; southern Germany): history of investigation, geology, fauna and age. In: Rössner G.E. & Göhlich U.B. (eds.), Fossil lagerstätte Sandelzhausen - Contributions to the fauna I. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 83/1: 7-23.
  • Chit Sein, Made J. van der & Rössner G.E. (2009): New material of Propotamochoerus (Suidae, Mammalia) from the Irrawaddy Formation, Myanmar. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen 251/1: 17-31.


  • Kaiser T. & Rössner G.E. (2007): Dietary resource partitioning in ruminant communities of Miocene wetland and karst palaeoenvironments in Southern Germany. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252 (3-4): 424-439.
  • Eronen J.T. & Rössner G.E. (2007): Wetland Paradise Lost: Miocene Community Dynamics in Large Herbivore Mammals from the German Molasse Basin. Ecology and Evolutionary Research 9: 471-494.


  • Chit-Sein, Thaung-Htike, Takehisa Tsubamoto, Tin-Thein & Rössner G.E. (2006): First discovery of the largest type Tetraconodon (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Suidae) from the lower part of Irrawaddy Formation, Myanmar. Asian Paleoprimatology 4: 186-196.
  • Rössner G.E. (2006): A community of Middle Miocene Ruminantia (Mammalian, Artiodactyla) from the German Molasse Basin. Palaeontographica A 27 (1-6): 101-110.


  • Rössner G.E. (2005): Ruminantia from the Grund Formation: correlation of continental and marine deposits and climatic development during early Middle Miocene of the Central Paratethys (Austria). Geologica Carpathica 56 (4): 337-345.


  • Rössner G.E. (2004): Community structure and regional patterns in late Early to Middle Miocene Ruminantia of Central Europe. In: Steininger F.F., Kovar-Eder J. & Fortelius M. (eds.): The Middle Miocene Environments and Ecosystem Dynamics of the Eurasian Neogene (EEDEN). Courier Forschungs-Institut Senckenberg 249: 91-100.


  • Clauss M., Frey W.J., Kiefer B., Lechner-Doll M., Loehlein W., Polster C., Rössner G.E. & Streich W.J. (2003): The maximum attainable body size of herbivorous mammals: morphophysiological constraints on foregut, and adaptations of hindgut fermenters. Oecologia 136: 14-27.
  • Fahlbusch V., Martini E. & Rössner G. E. (2003): Ein Pomelomeryx-Zahn Mammalia, Ruminantia) aus den escheri-Schichten der Rhön (Miozän). Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 241: 313-317.


  • Becker D., Rössner G.E., Picot L. & Berger J.-P. (2001): Early Miocene ruminants of Wallenried (USM, Aquitanian / Switzerland): Sedimentology, biostratigraphy and paleoecology. Eclogae Geologica Helvetiae 94: 547-564.
  • Rössner G.E. & Rummel M. (2001): Pomelomeryx gracilis (POMEL, 1853) (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Moschidae) from the Lower Miocene karstic fissure filling complex Rothenstein 10/14 (Germany, Bavaria). Papers in paleomammalogy honouring Prof. Dr. Oldrich Fejfar (Horacek I. & Mlikovsky J., eds.), Lynx (Praha) n. s. 32: 323-353.
  • Rössner G.E. & Mörs T. (2001): A new find of the enigmatic Eurasian Miocene ruminant artiodactyl Orygotherium. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21 (3): 591-595.


  • Darga R., Böhme M., Göhlich U.B. & Rössner G.E. (1999): Reste höherer Wirbeltiere aus dem Alttertiär des Alpenvorlandes bei Siegsdorf/Oberbayern. Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Historische Geologie 39: 91-114.


  • Rössner G.E. (1998): Wirbeltiere aus dem Unter-Miozän des Lignit-Tagebaues Oberdorf (Weststeirisches Becken, Österreich): Ruminantia (Mammalia). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien (A) 99: 169-193.
  • Rössner G.E. (1998): Säugetiere (Mammalia) aus dem Karpat des Korneuburger Beckens. Ruminantia (Artiodactyla). Beiträge zur Paläontologie 23: 409-413.


  • Rössner G.E. (1997): Biochronology of Ruminant Assemblages in the Lower Miocene of Southern Germany. In: Aguilar, J.-P.; Legendre, S. & Michaux, J. (Hrsg.): Actes du Congrès BiochroM'97. Mémoires et Travaux de l'E.P.H.E., Institut de Montpellier 21: 609-618.


  • Fahlbusch V, Heissig K., Mayr H. & Rössner G. (1995): Comment on the proposed conservation of some mammal generic names first published in Brisson‘s (1762) Regnum Animale. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 52 (2): 190.
  • Rössner G.E. (1995): Odontologische und schädelanatomische Untersuchungen an Procervulus (Cervidae, Mammalia). Münchner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen (A) 29, 127 pp.


  • Gentry A.W. & Rössner G. (1993): Procervulus Gaudry, 1877 (Mammalia, Artiodactyla): proposed designation of Antilope dichotoma Gervais, 1849 as the type species. Case 2883. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 50 (2): 137-139.

Publikationen in Fachbüchern

  • Marciszak A, Gornig W, Kropczyk A, Rössner GE (2022) The latest European record of Chasmaporthetes lunensis lunensis (Del Campana, 1914) from Schernfeld (Bavaria, Germany) in terms of the changes in the European carnivore paleoguilds. In Montenari M (ed.) Stratigraphy & Timescales 7, Integrated Quaternary Stratigraphy, 137-156. Elsevier (Cambridge, USA; San Diego, USA; Oxford, UK; London, UK).
  • Rössner G.E. (2007): 16 Family Tragulidae. In: Prothero D.R. & Foss S.E. (eds.): The Evolution of Artiodactyls. 213-220; Johns Hopkins University Press (Baltimore).
  • Gentry A.W., Rössner G.E. & Heizmann E.P.J. (1999): Suborder Ruminantia. In: Rössner G.E. & Heissig K. (eds.): The Miocene Land Mammals of Europe, 225-258; München (Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil).


  • Rössner G.E., Liston J. & Neenan J.M. (Guest Eds) (2017): 15th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists, Munich, Germany, 1st to 3rd August 2017, Information and Abstracts. Zitteliana 91: 104 p.
  • Rössner G.E., Silvia W.J., Métais G., Beatty B.L. & Bämann E.V. (eds) (2014): International Conference on Ruminant Phylogenetics Munich 2013. Proceedings. Zitteliana B 32, 219 S.
  • Rössner G.E. (eds) (2013): International Conference on Ruminant Phylogenetics Munich 2013. Programme and Abstracts. Zitteliana B 31: 48 S.
  • Rössner G.E. & Göhlich U.B. (eds) (2010): Fossil Lagerstätte Sandelzhausen - Contributions to the Fauna II. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 84/1; 215 p..
  • Rössner, G.E. & Göhlich U.B. (eds) (2009): Fossil Lagerstätte Sandelzhausen - Contributions to the Fauna. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 83/1; 226 p..
  • Rössner, G.E. & Heissig, K. (eds) (1999): The Miocene Land Mammals of Europe, 515 S.; München (Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil).