Lehrstuhl für Paläontologie & Geobiologie




Vortrag zur Geologie Israels im Juli 2008

Sprecher: Dr. Avraham Honigstein

28.07.2008 um 10:30 Uhr

Das GeoBio-CenterLMU ist stolz Dr. Avraham Honigstein als Vortragenden zum Thema "Geology of Israel" präsentieren zu können. Dr. Honigstein ist Wissenschaftler am Ministerium für Infrastruktur, Sektion für Öl und Gas in Jerusalem.

"Israel is a small country (but much in the headlines) located on the eastern side of the Mediterranean and along the transform boundary between the African and the Arabian plates.This lecture should provide a short review on its prominent geological features presented in many photographies, with remarks the biblical and other archaeological sites. Most of these locations are easily accessible and the distances are relatively short; maybe you should plan a visit to the Holy Land and see the rocks by yourself..."

Paläontologisches Museum München
Richard-Wagner-Str. 10
80333 München
Hörsaal 11 (EG)